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Carve, whittle and peel… Create YOU

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Love is an energy that is so amazing because its all ecompassing. Love allows freedom of expression. Can you truly love yourself, if you aren’t honest in how you express yourself? Can you truly love yourself, if your entire identity is built upon the ideas of someone else? …Hm… Can you truly love someone if you keep attempting to mold them into who you want them to be, rather than who they’ve chosen to be. See, I love a lot of people–some of them I can deal with, some of them I can deal with from afar, and some I cannot deal with at all. But, because I love them–I love them where they are, even if that’s far away from me. Love doesn’t require a leash–just so you know.

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When silence speaks…

In the silence, all of your various you(s), aspect, or fragments, etc… come to ask for healing, and eventually integration. If you’re currently scattered, you can bet in your silence moments, there will that part of you that says, “I’m tired of being sad, afraid, perfect, angry, lonely…” They will come to you and ask that you heal them. And, in order to heal, you will have to recall all the emotions that come with healing.

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“Yes, but, HOW do I start?”

In a lot of ways, self-reflection is meditation. You (mind), silences itself in the mirror, and just observes what your soul would like to share. No judgement, no arguing, just listening. Listening with passion and vigor. Listen as you would your dearest friend, or loved one–be for yourself, as you would be for someone who asked for your help. Because it’s you that’s asking, and its all of us that benefits.

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From The Seven Sisters 05.12.2011

Your reaction is crucial here and now, discipline is going to be crucial. Our scribe is going through a period where she is attracting people so much, that they literally touch her all the time. Whether it’s stepping on her toes, bumping into her, pushing, or, what have you. She finds it quite annoying, but, only today, she realized the opportunity, this closeness provides.

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On a planet where you can choose your creation, in a body that is born with the understanding of at the minimum, the energy of “yes” and “no”– How then, do we always seem to end up lost in our lives? Are we lost? Or, are we being stubborn to the realities around us, and ignoring the realities within us?

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Divided…WE fall

There’s this myth that what has been done before, is the only way to do things, that the beliefs of those before us are “right”, simply because it is how things have always been done. Right now, somewhere, countless children are being taught either outright, or subtly that people who do not look like, or think like them are somehow not as good, or as intelligent, or as entitled to life as much as they–That the stranger they weren’t allowed to speak to, is somehow not human, and therefore does not deserve to be treated as such.

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From: The Seven Sisters

It must be recognized, that difficulties along ones path is simply the discomfort experienced when removes a layer of old energy, and identity. Humans like to think they have things figured out. It’s been quite some time, when self-discovery was encouraged to the masses. What has been sold to the human mind is that energy works in straight lines–that it is predictable, that it must adhere to a fabricated law that states: if the outcome isn’t predictable then it cannot be considered scientific, psychological, or emotional evidence. Unfortunately for the human mind, if something doesn’t fit neatly inside a lab, test tube, or frontal lobe, then it is discarded.

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Self-Righteousness: There’s no wisdom in it.

I, personally, have always gravitated toward wisdom shrouded in humble, self-confidence. Now, how does that work? It’s simple. A person who is wise need not find a roof-top to shout from, when, they can be just as wise in the grocery line talking to a random stranger. One person enlightened is worth as many as thousands. In fact, one person enlightened is sure to become thousands. As a clear message, that speaks to the core of who we are–the oneness of all, will be heard, and will be spread. I know this, because I’ve experienced it.

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Living a lie through distraction

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Being alone–cost nothing. Being alone, without distraction will allow you to come to the realization what you need most in life, is always available to you–tax free, no membership-fees, or co-sign necessary. What you need is you. There are a myraid of ways to find the silence within.

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Mantras and Affirmations: A call to action

Think of it as going to the gym. Sure, everyone can get on the tread mill, but, if you’re looking to become a runner, you cannot just walk, you cannot power walk. You have to set the time, and speed a bit beyond comfortable. You have to learn how to breathe properly, proper form, how to run through your screaming muscles begging you to stop. You have to learn to find sweat beautiful and relish in your own not-so-fresh smell. Why??? Because it means you worked for it! You earned those shapely legs after the shower, your perfectly toned ass… that’s yours, you earned it!

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