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Truth: Friend or Foe??

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In every situation in life we have a choice to say “yes”, or “no”. And, if we make a decision based on the truth of it, then all of a sudden things that were hard are easy, and it seems if the whole universe is working to help us–it is. And, what about when we say “no”? Well, things are “work”, we “struggle”, we feel the weight of “trying to make something happen.” It’s exhausting, frustrating, and sometimes…downright depressing. Why isn’t the universe trying to help us?? Well, it is actually. The energy of truth will resist your telling, or living a lie to the point where you’re so tired, hurt, sad and exhausted that finally, finally, finally (!), you’re willing to stop, listen and look in the mirror to ask yourself, “Could I do something different???”

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Have you met…Yourself??

You may think I’m asking you a silly question. But, I assure you, I am not. Have you had the pleasure of meeting yourself? Have you had a true introduction, and deep conversation with yourself? I think we take ourselves for granted quite a bit. We assume that just because we are inside our own bodies, and lives all the time, that we truly know ourselves. And, a lot of time that isn’t the case.

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Fierce: Guarding yourself is honoring yourself!

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It’s a fallacy to believe that everyone has your best intentions at heart. Many do, and many do not! That’s reality. And, when you are pressed to submit your personal power, your self-love, integrity, self-respect… RESIST! And, if they press harder, RESIST MORE! Light always overcomes darkness, truth always finds its way to the surface, no matter how deeply buried! And, in a world so tired, frustrated and compromised on so many levels, if we cannot guard ourselves–NO ONE will! I’ve already made my choice–what say you?!

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Your ascension–it’s yours, remember that!

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Spiritual leaders–the true ones, are leading by example, first. They have walked, and are still walking their own spiritual path, and report you their experience, in order to provide you tools as how to navigate you own. It’s not always easy, it’s a daily commitment, but, the rewards are beyond expectation. It’s truly a journey of self-Mastery.

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What have you done for me lately??? Huh?? What have you done for yourself?!

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Yes, in so many ways, the world looks like it’s in some sort of chaotic state. And, perhaps in a way that is so. But, what I see, is that there’s been a systemic malfunction on a large scale for so long, that the system can no longer sustain itself and it falling to pieces in huge chunks! While we’re looking at the system, or the big machine wagging our fingers and blaming numerous people and entities, we aren’t being completely honest.

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When in darkness I AM the light!

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Oh, but, you don’t understand what it means to be awake. It means the great shift has already happened for you. It means, the world becomes so simple, and you realize the complications were YOU. It means, that drama is an illusion, and that most people are willingly, knowingly, compulsively living in their imaginations of life–rather than living life itself.

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Woe… Oh,woe… Seriously?! Whoa on that woe!

There are no victims here. There are insecure people who are now paying for looking outside of themselves to resolve their issues. Every person of power understands that as a species we have insecurities and fears. And, in order to gain control over the masses, people who want power inflate, fan and prey on those insecurities and fears. And, that is how the world became the way it is.

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Transformation: The never-ending journey

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Fellow divine beings, incarnated–transformation is painful at best. I suppose that’s why so many souls refrain from doing it. I have spent the last three plus decades on this amazing journey of growth. And, over this weekend, I was once again smacked-up and handed my ass by this evolution of life. I have found myself in a situation where I have to dig deep. And, for a person who regularly strolls the deepest part of herself, I’m appalled to find out that–wait, there’s still more. There is more patience that I can conjure, more understanding that I can create, and yes…more space that I can allow for another person to occupy, until they can figure out a solution to whatever issue that has arisen.

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"Connecting far-out ideas to down-to-earth people"

Alignment, clear channels and living on high beams

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Why, oh why am I telling you this? I’m telling you this, because I know that you are no different than me. I know that you have a purpose for being here just as I. Are your in alignment with yourself? Are you the person you’ve only dreamnt of being??? If not, I can tell you this, its easier than you think. When you hear that call, that tug, that feeling that says, “this way”… and, the magnetic energy of it makes your soul sing… GO WITH IT! Go past the fear, the anxiety, the what if(s), the I don’t know(s), and do it anyway! When the fear is so overwhelming that you could scream and cry–do it, scream and cry and… GO WITH IT anyway! Because in the end, its worth it. In the end, you’ve changed the most important life in the world that you can–your own. And, if you can change, you are an example to others that change is possible, hope isn’t just a word, and your life can be whatever your choose and are willing to work for.

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Honor: What has become of it?

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Call me an idealist, but, when someone tells me they will do something, I believe them. I’m the type of person who does what I say I will do, and if I cannot do it, I say that I cannot. Sure, we could argue that we don’t want to be the following: 1. impolite. 2. rude. 3. mean. 4. ungrateful and, a whole bunch of other things. But, which looks better? Telling the truth and maintaining honor. Or, knowingly lie and looking like a dandruff flake that cannot be counted on? But, here’s the better question, which would you prefer to be on the receiving end of?

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