I’m a planner… Okay, I’m a type A. If you’ve ever ready any of my previous posts, you know that I’m slightly proud to be a type A. All that being said, I still find that sometimes I’m a bit hesitant to continue carving the path that’s in my head.

Meaning: Why do I hesitant?

Even me, a Type A since…birth. I still sometimes hesitate to continue the direction my life flows. I was supposed to be a famous actress. That was the conversation Satu (my main spiritguide) and I had when I was five. Yet, still, there was always this pull to do more, be more. And, upon my graduation from NYU, while I did perform for a few years, something still seemed off. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never met a stage, or a camera I didn’t like. But, on a soul level, I’ve always felt I was searching for a bit more. So, I pursued producing, makeup artistry, casting directing, etc… and on and on. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I am and will always be an actor, and I will always figure out someway to express myself through the fine arts, but…its the delivery that has constantly been revised.

World Server– that’s what I am at my core. The way I look a the world hasn’t changed, so much as it has become refined. I’ve always thought that the medium of art could be used as a way to empower, educated and inspire people. I look at random things, people and sometimes nothing and see…divinity. I feel the sacredness in pretty much all things. I’m sure we’ve all had those experiences at one time or another. But, I’ve always tried to figure out how, how can we spread the word on honoring the divinity within us?

So, here I am more in alignment with my purpose. I am an artisit with spiritually enlightened intentions. And, I now, I offer to anyone willing to accept my thoughts on how you can manifest the life you want. How do I do this? Well… I listen. I listen to spirit, I listen to silence, I listen to myself and I listen to you. One of things I know for sure is that the world, both seen and unseen is constantly talking. And, while yes, I am psychic — I can hear, see and feel at higher frequency, I also feel compelled to share. So, I write this blog, a play, a film script, poetry. I perform in works that speak to me in a profound way. But, I’ve also come to terms that yes, I can use my voice, my intuition and my healing hands to be of service to those that would ask.

Recently, “my crew” –that’s my pet name for my spirit guides, lead me to start a new project. It’s called: The Grounded Energy Expo, and they also requested that I partner up with my friend and co-founder, Ana Lisa. This project is indicative of us trusting in who we are, what we know ourselves to truly be, and in spirit to be the clarion call for all those who feel compelled to attend this event. Look for our ads in Metro NY, AM-NY…and Facebook.
Courage is being scared and doing it anyway… I’m not scared, but, I’m nervously excited.  I believe in this case, my demonstration of personal faith in all that there is–is answering my life when it beckons me to live it.

Love Peace Happiness n One,


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