So… I take a t’ai chi and yoga class every Saturday as part of my mind/body/spirit regime. I have often said, “Yoga saves lives. Not mine, but, other people’s. It keeps me from killing them!” LOL But, alas, that’s not all together true.
I don’t know how many of you actually have taken yoga, but, I have for years off and on. And, it never ceases to amaze that yoga really does apply to life. Life is about being flexible. Now, of course it’s also about free will. You may choose not to be flexible… and that’s fine. Just don’t expect life to change it’s course… You don’t want to bend? Life is obligated to break you. Pure and simple…
Ever notice how certain issues in your life keep coming up? It’s like that movie Groundhogs day…dude was forced to live the same day over and over again, until he made decisions that finally broke that cycle. Metaphor for life? Uh…that’s what art imitates…so…yeah. 🙂
Back to yoga… I find, that the more consistently I practice yoga, the easier it is for me. The more flexible I become and I’m able to hold the positions longer. Hmm…what did I just say? When I’m consistently practicing flexibility, I feel better and have an easier time being flexible…Voila…
Rigid people and their approach to life has rigid results. Sorry…we didn’t all get that memo that says that life will adhere to your wishes so you don’t have to change. LOL Without that change, there’s no growth and without growth, how is there life? We’re all a work in progress…and mind you, I speak to myself as I write this to whomever may read it. A new slogan…
“Flexibility: The Road less traveled” Go out tell your neighbors, tell your friends…lol…
Love Peace Happiness N One,