Peoples… well…the Americans anyway… I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving… Mine truly rocked. It was very, very, very low key. Just myself and my homie Gene chillin in the lilypad with great food, wine, movies and good company. Being the oddity that I am, I did a twist on the Thanksgiving Turkey. I added some hot italian sausage, pasta and sauce and called it Thanksgiving Lasanga. And, yes…there was cranberries–the dried variety in my fruit and nut mixed green salad. And, the wine flowed… love wine. And, instead of the requisite sweet potato pie, we had pecan–holla at the suthin gull… LOL…
Life is taking lots of twists and turns, okay, probably no more than usual, but, I’m rockin it with a new perspective, so…no matter what, its all love. Work recently has found a transistion point, the two side projects are finding momentum, and relationships (all sorts) are finding a groove. The previous blog voiced my frustration with society and though a lot of people read it, only two felt compelled to hollaback. And, that’s cool, but, y’all can’t stay silent forever when it comes to what links us as humans. Silence, in this case, is deadly.
Special shout out to all my people who blessed me with well wishes for this past thanksgiving holiday, via email, comments, text and telephone. I love you guys, but, eh, you know– yet… I don’t get tired of telling you, or hearing it. I am thankful every moment of everyday for the diamond and platnium people I know. I’ve gifted myself well. And, I don’t need a turkey to be reminded of that. Ahhh…creating your own flow and going with it… unlike anything else. The wonders never cease, and the well never runs dry. T’is tasty indeed, this thing called life.
Love Peace Happiness N One,