Life is so good, it’s like the sundae, I’ll never finish, the breeze that blows forever, sunshine that never dims, and the moonlight that glows across time and space… I love my life!
So, chez SunDeevah is coming along, I’m almost done with painting my livingroom, the carpet for it was delievered yesterday, and my microscopic bathroom has been organized to fit all of my personal item needs, read: hair products! LOL So…I’m good. And, though I’m impatient and would like to be settled already, I’m taking this home creation thing one breath at a time. For me, creating my home is artistic, like everything else I do, and therefore, I do not want to rush it. I want to sketch ideas, ponder, measure, measure again, think about color, and then…execute. Think about how many sketches Monet, Van Gough, Degas, and Renior made before even picking up the paint brush. So, I’m in the studying phase of my home. And, I enjoy it.
In other news, my partners on the film and I had a great meeting the other day with a lawyer, that I’m sure we’ll be using! This woman’s main clients are Marvel, HBO and the like and yet, she gets thrilled by hungry, enthusiatic artists like us! Yes…there is a God! LOL It cannot be emphasized enough the importance of organizing yourself as a business, protecting your intellectual property, your company, your creativity. And, that’s why I pushed to meet with a lawyer. And, now, we’ve got a kind of focus and resolve that we didn’t have before. And, like fine wine, we’re taking our time with this film. Again…I’m happy.
Quick shout-out to my mom and brother in Orange County, CA this weekend. They’re going to Disneyland, and the Crystal Cathederal for Easter. Odd combination? Sure, but, in my family…odd is normal! LOL
I just want to touch upon this situation I’ve been dealing with, where people who love me, torture themselves with futile attempts to control and manipulate me. Why? I don’t know. But, it has never worked! In the past, it’s forced me to be brutally honest with people who no longer speak to me, it lead to my divorce and it’s caused my mom to burn a letter or two from me. And, well, here’s the thing… I offer no apology. And, if you’re waiting for the day, where I will relent, be someone other than I am, tie myself to the earth and not fly free… Now would be a good time to exhale! It saddens me that people would rather I be “normal”, “good”, or “nice” when the very idea makes me want to hurl.! And, I’ve yet to see one happy individual who’s all those things. What I have seen are a lot of insecure people waiting for someone to tell them their okay, that they belong. And, that’s just a bunch of bullshit! If it’s up to other people to give you the “okay” to exist, you’ll never be okay, PERIOD! Mind you, I am not anti-you being you, if you know who that is. I applaud anyone who’s got the moxie (see I learned a lot being married to a jew) to be themselves fully and I encourage it. What I have a problem with, is people projecting their inadequacies, insecurities and general uncomfortableness with themselves onto me. When you do that…you’ve crossed the line, and I WILL TELL YOU SO! At the same time, I’m a fan of compromise (hello, I’m a libra), peaceful understandings, and love in general as long it has no strings attached and I can be myself. So…for those of you who love me, and I know who you are for the most part. Understand, I’m a free-spirited being with a lot of light, and I won’t be dimming-down, dumbing-down, or being down in general for you or anyone else. Doesn’t mean I don’t love you, it means I love me more. And, that’s what health looks like.  
Love Peace Happiness N One,

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