Okay, I’m tired because yesterday was scary. My baby Azure, had to be rushed to the animal hospital, he had a blocked uniary tract. He had to have a catherter, and though he is home… He’s not happy because it was painful, and he’s kinda leaky. And, this is my version of parenthood. Feeding my cat food and water through a turkey baster.
Apparently, the recovery is just as important as the inital treatment, I’ve gotta make sure there’s not reblockage and that Azure remains hydrated. Sooo…yeah, I have children, three, their all furry with four legs. And, right now, my oldest requires a little more from his mom. I’ve had him for ten years already, since he was three months. He never really gets sick, but, when he does…its expensive! So…circling my son with the healing blue light of Raphael, the white light of all there is and the pink light of my love. And, may he decide what is best for his own soul.
Love Peace Happiness N One,

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