So, it’s Monday, and I’m off, because hey, today I’m vacating…again. So, yeah, I got a call re: that ridiculous gig last week. And, the lame excuse given was I was abrupt to the support staff, i.e. the cleanig crew and the receptionist. When my contact told me that, I told her that was complete fabrication. 1. I’d already bonded with both of our cleaning ladies. And, 2. I’d spent 1 hour talking to our receptionist and office manager, before I left on Friday. The truth? The truth is: I offended Ms. Know-it-all, who’s idea of training was to speak to you like you’re 12, and make you her doppleganger! Never once, did Mr. Nice guy have a conversation with me, to find out the truth. He should just give her the job, because she wants it, and she’s a territorial over him as a freaking chihuahua! Losers!
Despite all that…My weekend was kickass! I spent Saturday, at art party/bbq in Long Island City. Laughed, ate, drank with my friends. Sunday, I went to the beach by myself. Rockaway Park, is my beach. It has everything I need in a beach, quiet, sun, surf, quiet, not a lot of people and oh…quiet! I vibed with nature, read, tanned and ate. It was sooo good. Not North Carolina beaches, good. But, good nonetheless. Sunday night, I vibed with some friends, the light ones and the darker variety and those who balance the two. I’m sooo good to myself. I give myself great friends, who shine light into corners I didn’t know were there.
You know what’s so funny to me. People get me a lot more than I give them credit for. I appreciate that, because I truly am at the point in my life where I’m not going to be explaining myself to anyone. Like, love, hate, leave it…whatever. I’m not at the mercy of someone else to tell me I’m okay. I mean, how can they? The majority of people aren’t okay with themselves, much less in a position to validate me! The party continues, it will not be deterred, stalled or stopped. Silly people, trying to rain on my parade–don’t they know, I dance naked in rainstorms! LOL
Love Peace Happiness N One,