It has dawned on me recently that there are people who do what’s best for themselves. And, those that do what’s easiest for themselves. I’m am not a fan of easy, never have been. And, I’m not a fan of people who do what’s easiest for themselves. I respect people who do what’s best for themselves as you cannot count on anyone else to do it for you. While I do love everyone, as I love myself… I’ve understand now that I won’t be keeping time with the travelers of the easy route. I’m thinking that path doesn’t lead up the mountain, but, around the valley in circles. So to all those who are doing what’s best for yourselves, even if its the most difficult… Keep going, it’s sooo worth it. The views are gonna be kickass! The view from the top usually is, as you really can see forever up there. For those parading the valley, um… try not to get a hang nail, or a splinter or something. You actually might accidentally exert yourselves… And, I’ll see you on the otherside!
Love Peace Happiness N One,