Hey lover, hey lover this is more than a crush…
I’m crushing on how the sun sets in my backyard and the way it falls into the city, with promises to return tomorrow…
I’m crushing on the wind, her kisses and how she makes my cobalt sun-chime swing.
I’m crushing on the family of birds that live in the tree in my backyard, who no matter what time of day have much news to share with me.
I’m crushing on the steady stream of smoke that embaces me and how the smell of nag champa puts me in the OM… loving that.
I’m crushing on this new CD called Enchanted Egypt that makes my kundalini move in ways I not only didn’t know about, but, without permission. You ain’t never seen a charmer move a snake like this…
I’m crushing on the silence here in the lillypad and how my cats and I vibe on eachother without conversation, argument and all in full agreement.
I’m crushing on my smile and how it varies and lets you know exactly what I’m thinking and when she is quiet, my eyes fill in… Are you reading me?
I’m crushing on waves that “crash” into me… On my DMB that always makes wanna “stay” a little while longer. Music is one of my biggest crushes… Music and me…forever.
I’m crushing on the glow of candles that light my path and transforms my space into the sanctuary that this soul thrives in.
I’m crushing on the formless, wordless, wisdom that colors the darkness, fills my ears and warms my heart.
I’m crushing…hardcore.
Hey lover, hey love, hey lover… this is more than a crush.
Love Peace Happiness N One,

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