Okay…maybe I didn’t tell you why my new apartment rocks. My new apartment rocks because it has a backyard! I’m in the backyard, writing this blog on my laptop, soaking up the sun, while wiping my nose, while drinking some coffee. It’s very close to my ideal lifestyle. But, for now, I’ll take it.
Yes, it’s good for a southern girl to feel the sun on her face, the breeze kiss her skin and listen to the incessant chatter of birds! And, boy are these birds yammering! I’ve gotta enjoy this cold-tinged vacation because I go back to work on Monday. Yep…back to the suits, we make this positive by thinking about our paycheck and the long term investment in two companies that it represents. After I’m over this cold, I probably won’t get sick again all year. As, I really don’t ever get sick–this is pretty much as bad as it gets. When I get the flu, it’s usually because I’ve been stressed for extended periods of time.
So, sitting here in the backyard, is something I feel I’ve just gotta share, so, those peeps near and dear… Look forward to a summertime house-warming at my place that will include backyard excursions. It simply must be done.
On another note, I’ve been getting so many invites lately to sooo many events. Another reason, why I’m trying to get better. I’ve gotta attend play readings, music shows, music shows, comedy (Shawnie, I’m coming out to see you–really!). And, so, again, it’s good I was sick this week. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go to my very good friend’s movie screening in the boogie down–I’m sorry J.D. 🙁 But, I’m doing my best to network my ass off. It’s part of what I do. So, hit me up people, I’ll do my best to represent! In the meantime, get me the sunscreen, I’m so hot, I’m starting to burn! LOL
Love Peace Happiness N One,