My life amazes me all the time, and sometimes it plain stupifies me. What I’ve lived through, the stories I’m able to tell and the players in these stories… I’m in awe of the people I surround myself with, the amount of courage I’ve seen in the past week from my friends/students, my tribe members, my nephew and neice, myself… it just makes it all worth it. It makes each breath taken taste that much sweeter.
I feel so fortunate, blessed and honored to know that I have been able to help people change their lives in a way that will redfine it. I’ve witnessed people face their demons, and embrace them to the point they can no longer destroy, but only heal. I have seen wisdom and grace come from a heart so young, that if I didn’t understand where wisdom really came from, I’d be confused. People are starting to wake up to their own potential, they are using their frustrations as motivation to change and redefine their future. And…omg…I get not only watch it happen, but, I get to become better too! There are no words. It has been worth the long conversations, the crying, the kicking, the fighting, the temporary pain and frustration. Totally worth it! I’d do again before the question could be fully asked.
Anyone who thinks that they have no choice or no say in their lives is wrong. Anyone who thinks happiness is mythical, is wrong. The entire world can change right before your eyes when you change how you precieve it. And, you truly can have everything you want–wanting is only the beginning. I’m in awe of you all…you know who you are, and I love you and I say… Keep going! You’re an amazing being!
Love Peace Happiness N One,