I have this personal saying that goes something like…”I always give em enough robe to hang themselves.” Yes, I know it’s morbid for me, but, it works.
This week the karma came on a few things at once. I don’t know if anyone who reads this (wait…does anyone read this?) knows, but, both Thursday and Friday were about Karmic debt…
I’ve heard from two people that I allowed to have their way on situations. The first, a dude that chased me down after 11yrs, only to be an ass and blow his second chance. Now, you’re wondering why did I allow this second apology for his behavior? Well, it’s simple, I admire a guy who can be the first to admit that he was an ass in the first place, aplogize and then ask if it’s okay if we stay in touch. Uh…whatever, doesn’t matter to me one way or another. The real truth behind that situation was, he didn’t want to be taken out of what he thought he knew about life. He was miserable in his comfort-zone, but, comfortable with his misery. Okay…I don’t do misery. Turns out, hanging out with me reminded him of how unhappy he was/is. So…he broke out. It was a bummer, but, it was clear it wasn’t about me. Oh and no…he doesn’t get to come back. Twice is once more than I’ve ever been known to do.
The other situation was more of a friendship thing, and that…has taken less than a week,”(singing) …the times, they are a changing!” I tried to warn some friends of a possible icky issue, and well, no one wanted to hear me, so, I left the situation. And, lo and behold the icky has been leaking all over the place. Amazing how we tend to want to kill the bearer of truth, cause we’re just so happy (NOT) living our life of lies. When the truth is presented, then…damn, we have to be accountable for our actions. I thought that was apart of being an adult…but, what do I know? lol
Another situation has been going on for sometime, and that one–well… I know where it’s supposed to end up, but, the other person is fighting tooth and nail. Why do we fight what’s good for us? Odd, huh? But, we do! So that one…that’ll be cleared up, once the other party has become quite tired…of THEMSELVES! And, their own self-destructive behavior. It’s both sad and hilarious to watch. But, eh…I go and come, I mean, I do have a life! And, fighting is no longer my thing. Remember what I said last night, fighting a tidelwave is futile. Yet, people still attempt it.
Love Peace Happiness N One,