OMG…what a week! It was an awesome week. Filled with birthdays, love, friends, wine and chili.
For my birthday I got a long visit with my love muffin, Heather! I love her!!!! She’s just one of those people that I knew when I met her, I’d know her forever. She’s the air, Stacie, the fire, Gene, the water, and Claire, the earth. Those are the girls and my four directions of feminie energy! I’m truly blessed to have the amazing friends I do. As expected when I hang with my friends the energy burns high, amazing, but, good lord exhausting! Next two days…sleep, sleep and sleep! LOL
One of my two birthday celebrations happened here at the lilypad last night. Chili and Wine, good music and amazing conversation. My house is my sacred temple. And, so, I’m very, very, very picky about who comes here. But, luckily for me, there’s enough of the first circle of friends here in the apple that my home can be blessed with love, good vibrations and awesome wine! How was it? Intense, provocative, inspiring and I giggled and smiled through most of it. Oh…and the chili rocked, it was almost addictive.
So, now, I sit in the silence and bask in the afterglow of last night, feeling really good about who I surround myself with and look forward to… hmm…well, the next moment, of course! 😉
Love Peace Happiness N One,