I’m impatient– I am. Even when I’m at my most patient, I’m impatient. But, as I sit here in my spiritual cave, cocoon, temple or whatever. I realize– that I’m sooo okay with being the only one in here. I’m feeling good in my solititude, as good as I do with a room full of my near-and-dears. I don’t put stock in other people much. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love people, I love being surprised by the world at large, but, I’m not emotionally attached to it anymore. I have nothing to prove to it, you or…myself. I AM.
Now, is all we get kids… I don’t choose to worry about failing myself anymore, or not getting there–by the way, where is “there”? The big picture is to be free to be happy, to be your true self, quirks et al, without regret, apology or permission from someone else. I’m not waiting for happiness–I’m going to do it now, and then…now, and oh, yeah…now! I really do think we complicate our lives, our psyches, our souls, everything with making things more dramatic than they need to be. And, you know what? I’m over that. I love my sunny disposition. I love laughing at myself, I even laugh at my impatience with myself. Sometimes, I’m a work of art, sometimes I’m a hot mess scraped on cement, but… I’m enjoying the ride nevertheless. I will not fear being me, and that truth is what makes me free.
Love Peace Happiness N One,