Okay kids… Momma had to go back downtown to get paid! LOL On day two at my new gig in money-making downtown Manhattan. And, this gig promises to make an honest worker outta me. In a way, I’m marrying this gig, yep, we’re gonna commit to eachother. I’m getting a permanent job. Why? Cause I need to produce a film and open a store for women to buy their overprice undies–that’s why! Heehee
It’s funny to me how abstract my brain is, I can see the connections in most things. I work in finance, I need to finance two major projects. Everything I know about how money is made, I learned working in finance as an EA. That’s Executive Assistant to those who don’t know. Anyway, I’m crazy busy anywhere from 9-10hrs five days a week. And, then I come home and work on the other projects. The cool thing about this gig is the location–life has come full circle in that I’m back in The World Financial Center, I get to enjoy the summer on the water and plenty of bars to help me recover from a grueling day. Sure it gets ridiculously hot here in the apple but, between the breeze off the hudson, the pool in the back yard, and frequent trips to the rockaways… Your girl has got it covered! And, I promise to sport a nice shade of bronze and pretty pedicured feet! Sure, I work hard, but, I don’t have to look that way.
Everytime I have a long weekend, I remember why I left NC. Don’t get me wrong, I miss it right now, because of the beach. But, seriously, I’d rather be busy than not. Too much time on my hands isn’t a good thing. I go from very productive to barely able to move. Odd…yeah, I know. Anyway… I’m looking forward to making a lot of money and seeing you all at my store with your cash and credit card ready, and of course in line to see the movie I’m a partner in. The creative flow continues… I continue… Hustlin’ y’all…. And, you know this!
Love Peace Happiness N One,