So, I just got back from visiting my friend in California. Every time I think I’m going to have down time, I don’t. I have to accept that when spirit calls, I answer. And, that’s it. So, I helped a couple of souls who are beginning to awaken to their own greatness, not to mention, psychic abilities…  I also got to meet my beautiful great niece, who is as great of a soul as they come. She is barely 2 months old and already showing amazing abilities. Upon first meeting she looked deeply into my eyes, and I hers, and then…she smiled in recognition. And, I told her, “Hi, it’s so good to see you here! I’m so happy that you came to us!” To which she had a silent laugh. I call her “little moon.” And, if you saw her, you’d know why. She came into this world with a level of consciousness I’ve not ever seen in a baby. So, it will be interesting to see who she chooses to become. Until then…I’m just going to have to swoon all over her. 🙂 Her mother, my niece is the daughter, I never had. My entire family has kind of known this ever since she got here. She’s had to get used to being called me, her entire life. Good thing she likes me. lol!

This trip also consisted of clearing the air between friends, and the continuation of transformation. Yesterday, my friend and I went to Huntington Dog Beach, with his gorgeous dog, Estrella (Star in Spanish). We both performed symbolic rituals to rid ourselves of people and things that do not serve our highest good.

For me, nature is a place where I receive blessings and energy to continue my own spiritual journey here. And, yesterday was no exception. The wind was gusty, the surf high, it was hot and the ocean was quite powerful. I stood at the edge of the water, greeted the four directions, the four elements, the mother, the father. And, acknowledged the God within me. In that moment I chose to release all things and people who are not serving my highest good. While I was doing it, I was thinking of nothing in particular, I only knew that I wanted to clear myself of any weight, that may keep me from continuing my own ascension.

All there is, answered with the rush of water toward me, covering my feet, ankles and most of my legs… And, it receded, taking with it, all the energies I no longer needed. The universe was kind enough to fill me with more energy, more light, more… me. And, I felt quite full, quite big… I even told my friend on the way home, “Dude…I’m about to get bigger.” And, he replies… “Oh, Jesus… I don’t know if the world can handle that!” He was joking of course… The universe expands all the time. Surely the growth of the energy that is me, is nothing more than a blip. The return from the beach was nothing short of serene and exhausting. The three of us were tired, and hungry. And, all the while I’m closing my eyes, feeling the energy in my body shifting this way and that. Popping, stirring, swirling, flinging out what I no longer needed. I admit, it can be uncomfortable. But, it is the part of the process. DNA shifts, consciousness shifts, thoughts become things and are manifested. The best thing one can do, which I did– is breathe through it. After that, we ate a very hearty lunch of Mexican food.

My journey home was later that day…And, the transformation continued. I slept deeply throughout my red-eye flight. I knew that who I was now, was not who I was before I left. I had no intention of returning home the same. And, I did not. There’s no growth without change. And, I trust myself enough to continue to grow no matter what…

Today, one of the things I released made itself clear to me. It once had been so important. It once had been something I put a lot of energy into. But, today, it made itself clear, that it wasn’t in my highest interest. It was clear that it needed to be released. Funny how when it’s truly time to release something, it’s the most anti-climatic thing ever. Which is how I know I’m done. My journey continues, the transformation continues. And, as what no longer works is released, room has been created for what will.

I am so blessed to be who I am in this time of great disturbance, in this time of great  awakenings… In this time of NOW.

Om shanti shanti  shanti Om.


Love Peace Happiness N One,


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