In the last week and a half, I finished one temp gig, and interviewed for three other jobs, one of which I took. The one I took was my second choice because the one I wanted had a time constraint. I’ve been at second choice job for almost a week. And, tomorrow, I’m having a second interview for 1st pick job. Yet, I’m not excited? Why? I was told by my counselor that I should remember that the spot is in a “conservative” department. Although, the person who first inteviewed me thought I was great she wanted me to remember the “conservativeness” of the clients and the department. That word–I don’t like! I am NOT conservative, and I cannot fake it either. So, that tells me that this job, probably isn’t for me, and that I’m already working the job I’m supposed to have–job #2. But, I will go to the interview as a courtsey. But, they can keep their conservative environment. And whatever that means to them. I’m trying to simplify my life, not make it more complicated.
This post-nasal drip thing I’ve been dealing with for almost a week, has definately altered my disposition. I’m a bit cranky and unsually quiet. I spent most of the day feeling seperated from everything around me, including my body. The weather isn’t helping. Anyone who doesn’t understand the impact of global warming needs to take in account their health and how it’s been impacted by the confusing weather patterns. It freaking sucks! My sinuses are sooo sensitive, that I know it’s going to rain because of the change in air pressure. I can smell the chlorine in the water coming from faucets, cigarette smoke smells worse than ever before and oh…the mold! It’s just icky! I’ve been drinking so much ginger tea…I’m turning into ginger…okay, that’s how it feels! LOL…Seriously though, we’ve gotta do more to save our atmosphere, otherwise we’re truly going to be sick. And, I haven’t even seen a An inconvenient truth, yet, but, I plan on it.
Love Peace Happiness N One,

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